Governing Body
The role of the Governing Body is to safeguard the public interest in the school and to ensure that those who are directly responsible for day-to-day management (the Executive Headteacher, Heads of School and senior leaders) are accountable for decisions and actions taken.
The Governors play an important role in overseeing the maintenance and improvement of standards of achievement in the school.
It is a strategic role and does not get involved in the day-to-day running of the school, which is the role of the Executive Headteacher and senior staff.
Under the Castle CE Federation, the Governing Body is responsible for both schools in the Federation.
Key roles of the Governors are:
To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
To hold the Executive Headteacher/Senior Leadership Team to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
In addition, there are other duties:
Determining how the schools’ budgets are spent
The appointing and dismissing of staff
Hearing appeals and grievances
Forming policy on the schools’ curriculum
Setting standards for pupils’ behaviour and discipline
Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
Setting and monitoring the schools’ aims and policies
Governors (ID 1272)
Associate Member
Associate Member
Associate Member and Chair of the Admissions Committee.
Skills and background
I run a small training and consultancy company specialising in equality, diversity and inclusion. In addition I have both Chaired and been a Trustee to a number of local and national Charities. I have a strong background in project management, advocacy and strategy development.
Why I wanted to be a governor
I passionately believe in equality of opportunity and the right of every child to reach their potential. My Mum was a Governor of my school and I have always understood the importance of a strong and effective Governing Body and community for a school to be successful. I love working in team to support local schools and children in a town I've lived in for 50 years.
Inspirational quote
Enjoy today, look forward to tomorrow, keep talking, love listening, have fun.
Foundation GovernorDiocesan Board of Education
Foundation Governor
I became a Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education, in January 2022. I am the Chair of the P&C Committee.
Skills and background
As a Civil Servant of over thirty years I've been posted to many different jobs, some which I've enjoyed more than others! But whether the roles I've undertaken have been great or tough, the variety has given me a wide range of experience in areas as diverse as policy development, recruitment, management and leadership, research, business continuity and learning and development. So you could say I'm a Jack of all trades and master of none! But a consistent theme throughout my career has been organisational change and development.
Why I wanted to be a governor
I became a governor because I believe passionately that all young people are entitled to educational opportunities which allow them to grow and develop to the very best of their potential. My own children (now all grown up) all benefitted from the opportunities that Victoria and Thomas Coram have to offer.
Inspirational quote
From Malala Yousafzai: "Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world."
Foundation GovernorSt Peter's PCC
Foundation Governor
I joined the Governing Body as a Church nominated Governor in January 2022, and am the Chair for the Resources committee.
Skills and background
I am Chief Executive of the Christian charity, Mothers' Union, whose purpose is to help families in need, around the corner and around the world. I love spending time with the family including our dog, Honey, exercise and travel.
Why I wanted to be a governor
I have been a parishioner of St Peter's for over 20 years, and was keen to support young families in the town through these two great schools.
Inspirational quote
I love this one from Aesop: "No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."
Associate Member
Associate Member
Associate Member
Skills and background
I’m an experienced PR consultant and have helped organisations of all shapes and sizes effectively communicate a wide range of messages
Why I wanted to be a governor
I’m also the parent of two children moving their way through Victoria and Thomas Coram and wanted to offer my skills to support the schools, staff and communities that are playing such an important role in our family’s lives.
Inspirational quote
"You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere."
Lee Iacocca
Welsh Proverb
Foundation GovernorSt Peter's PCC
Foundation Governor
Foundation Governor, Safeguarding Link Governor.
Skills and background
My day job is as the General Counsel of a life sciences data company, managing legal and compliance risks for the global business.
Why I wanted to be a governor
I've been a governor since the inception of Castle Federation, and at Thomas Coram prior to that. As a member of the congregation at St Peter's I was asked if I would volunteer as a Foundation Governor and was delighted to say yes to help ensure our schools are providing the best quality learning environments for our children.
Inspirational quote
"Life's too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it." Dr Seuss
Foundation GovernorSt Peter's PCC
Foundation Governor
I've been a governor since September 2019 and I'm currently Vice-Chair of Governors
Skills and background
I have been a chartered architect for over 20 years and have a range of experience from working in international architectural practices to running my own business in Berkhamsted, to fit around family life. I have worked on many educational projects and I am passionate about how the physical environment can sustainably provide a happy, safe and fun educational setting. I recently worked with Sunnyside Rural trust to develop their new accommodation, a great experience working with a local charity and seeing the positive impact the physical environment can have on adults with learning difficulties.
Why I wanted to be a governor
My children both had a great start to their educational lives, at Victoria Nursery and Infant School followed by Thomas Coram School. Watching them grow, learn and gain confidence inspired me to volunteer to be a governor, to help support the schools in the great work they do. As a governor I bring commitment and creativity, to challenge and support our schools' vision and to develop our strategic direction, it's been a great experience so far and wonderful to see the positive impact our schools have on so many children, families, and our local community.
Inspirational quote
"Promise me you'll always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think." - Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh, although it's not by A.A. Milne, I still think it's great.
Foundation GovernorSunnyside PCC
Foundation Governor
Skills and background
Why I wanted to be a governor
Inspirational quote
Foundation GovernorEx-officio
Foundation Governor
Foundation Governor
Skills and background
I've been a parish priest since 2000, serving for the first twenty years in North London before moving to Berkhamsted.
Why I wanted to be a governor
To some extent serving as a Governor is part of my 'day job' and is something I've done in a variety of contexts since 2001. Across that time the roles and responsibilities of Governors have changed enormously, but the fundamental goal of wanting to see all the pupils of a school flourish remains at the core.
Inspirational quote
Jesus said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.' (Matthew 18:3-5)
Parent Governor(Chair)
Parent Governor
I was appointed as Parent Governor in April 2022 and am Chair of Governors.
Skills and background
I am a former Corporate Recovery and Restructuring Solicitor, before becoming a parent. I spent ten years involved in the PTA of Victoria School, as well as volunteering for various roles within the schools including reader, invigilator and running the Eco-Club. My skill set as a lawyer enables me to analyse the business of running a school and my view as a parent and volunteer allows me to evaluate the practical impact of changes to the business.
Why I wanted to be a governor
I am passionate about the educational journey of my three daughters, and want to play my part to ensure that the high standards of learning and developmental experience provided by both Victoria School and Thomas Coram continue to benefit children in the future.
Inspirational quote
I consider my responsibility as a Governor of Castle Federation an honour, as well as a gift, that enables me to give something back to an organisation that has encouraged my children, and all those children that attend, to flourish and be the very best version of themselves.
LA Governor
LA Governor
I joined as an LA Governor in April 2024
Skills and background
I am a career civil servant, with a variety of administration, change, communication and facilities experience. I enjoy using my experience to help schools improve and grow. I am currently also a Governor at Swing Gate School (since 2020). With one child currently at Thomas Coram, and another on his way up, I hope that I can in some small way help Thomas Coram continue to thrive and develop. Beyond school I also volunteer for Scouting, and am a youth rugby coach.
Inspirational quote
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi
Co-opted Governor
Co-opted Governor
I am the Head of School at Victoria and a Co-opted Governor. I started this role in September 2022 when I joined the school leadership team.
Skills and background
I have been a primary school teacher for 20 years. I have experience of Early Years, KS1 and KS2 and has been part of the senior leadership team since 2012. Â I am a parent governor at Princes Risborough School focusing on Inclusion (SEND/PP).
Inspirational quote
I have chosen this quote from one of my favourite books 'Lord of the Rings' when the fellowship set out on their quest to save Middle Earth which is "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." This is important to me because as the Head of School, I get to see how all the small people (the children) make such an impact to the school and community to which they belong.
Co-opted Governor
Co-opted Governor
I am the Head of School at Thomas Coram and a Co-opted Governor. I started this role in September 2022 when I joined the school leadership team.
Skills and background
I have been a primary school teacher for 12 years. I have a range of experience in KS2 and have taught from Year 3 - 6. I love seeing the children thrive each day in school and achieve things that they previously thought they may not be able to do!
Inspirational quote
I like to have happy thoughts and a positive outlook on life. My quote is a perfect example of this, as we know what negative thoughts did to The Twits!'If you have good thoughts they will shine out on your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.' Roald Dahl, The Twits. -
Staff Governor
Staff Governor
Staff Governor since 2022.
Skills and background
I have been a teacher at Thomas Coram from 2020 and have worked in many schools in the town. I have lived and worked in Berkhamsted for most of my life and am very invested in the local community.I have an interest in the strategic aspect of education and can bring skills to the table from my own experiences working in schools and being a parent.Why I wanted to be a Governor
When the opportunity arose to be a staff governor, I was keen to put myself forward. I joined the governing board because I wanted to support the school that felt that I could do more to contribute to helping all of the students in the Federation to fulfill their potential.
Inspirational quote
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!' " - Audrey Hepburn
Foundation GovernorDiocesan Board of Education
Foundation Governor
Role Â
Skills and background
Why I wanted to be a governor
Inspirational quote
Associate Member
Associate Member
Role Â
I joined as Associate Governor in April 2022. I am the link Governor for Wellbeing and Science.
Skills and background
I have worked as a counsellor for over 25 years. I am an excellent communicator and have an understanding and awareness of what motives and challenges individuals. Working in many different settings (NHS, education, EAP),has given me a greater awareness of how people respond to different situations and problems. I am interested in Emotional Intelligence and how this can empower people and help them to communicate better with others. Together with previous experience of managing a company as provider for the NHS, I have a wide range of skills and expertise that I can bring to the role of School Governor.
Why I wanted to be a governor
I became a governor because I have a passionate interest in the wellbeing of children.
My daughter and granddaughters have attended both schools in the federation and have flourished in the supportive and caring environment. I feel privileged to be able to give something back by offering my skills and experience and be part of ensuring the federation continues to thrive and succeed.
Inspirational quote
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much - Helen Keller
Foundation Governor
Foundation Governor
Role Â
Foundation Governor since September 2023.
Skills and background
I retired recently after a 40-year career as an IT consultant working on multinational projects. Since then, I've become involved in local environmental and Chilterns heritage volunteering. I'm passionately interested in local environmental issues, I now help plant and maintain several community gardens around the conservation area, and I've seen how much a colourful and stimulating natural environment raises people's spirits. I'm also a deputy churchwarden and sacristan at St Peters, where I've worshipped for over 20 years, and lead the EcoChurch work there.
Why I wanted to be a governor
After Covid I volunteered as a schoolreader at local schools, and found how rewarding it is to contribute in this way. When the governor vacancy became free, I felt that I could use my skills to support the schools on a more regular and involved basis. I’m also keen to assist the schools with their environmental aspects, as part of the vision to nurture our surroundings, and to prepare children for their roles as responsible and caring citizens.
Inspirational quote
"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action." Herbert Spencer - meaning , I believe, that it's not just about knowing things, but about using what we learn.
Parent Govenor
Parent Govenor
Parent Governor
Skills and background
I am a Physics graduate with an MBA and have over 20 years of experience in financial services, particularly in data science and risk management. Over that time roles have included leading the global fraud department for Klarna, setting up and running loans and overdrafts for Monzo and overseeing risk and governance for a credit card company. Currently I’m working fully remotely for a small start-up - and I’m really enjoying the extra flexibility it gives me to spend time with my kids!
Why I wanted to be a governor
I have two girls (6YO going into Y2 in Victoria and 7YO going into Y3 in TC). My girls have loved their time at Victoria and I feel like the staff and school community have given us so much as a family. Our experience of the school has been of such a warm and loving place that I want to try and give something back, and to help the school continue to thrive and provide such a caring and nurturing environment.
Inspirational quote
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”
Albert Einstein
Ex-officio Governor
Ex-officio Governor
I am the Executive Headteacher of the Castle Federation, I took up this post in January 2024.
Skills and background
I have been working in education for over 25 years; I was the headteacher of an outstanding primary school in Hertfordshire, leading the school on a journey from Requires Improvement to Outstanding. I have significant experience of school governance in my roles, but also as a community governor at Holmer Green Senior School. I am a School Effectiveness Adviser in Hertfordshire and support schools in Hertfordshire with their continued school improvement by monitoring the overall effectiveness of the school. I am passionate about ensuring all pupils have the opportunity to be safe, happy and succeed at school and in their lives, particularly the vulnerable pupils who may have significant barriers to their learning. I am also a great advocate of supporting the mental health and well-being of the whole school community.
Inspirational quote
“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”
Malala Yousfazai
Foundation Governor
Foundation Governor
Foundation Governor
Skills and background
For more than 20 years, I’ve enjoyed a varied media career spanning both journalism and the development/operations of digital content products and services, building and managing large, inclusive teams in the process. I’ve had the privilege to hold senior roles in organisations like the BBC, The Press Association and ITV - and I’m now an independent consultant supporting a range of organisations (typically in the media, education and sport sectors) with their digital strategy and execution.
Why I wanted to be a governor
I’m a passionate advocate for a strong, creative, vibrant and inclusive state school system - and a fervent believer in the equality of opportunity for all. Now, as an involved parent with two young children in the early years of their education, and having settled into the community since moving to Berkhamsted from London, I’m keen to commit my personal energy to supporting the vital work of the Federation and its two unique Schools.
Inspirational quote
“If you want to be a leader, be a bridge”
(“A fo ben bid bont”)
Welsh Proverb
Our Clerk to the Governing Body is Mrs Clare Wallis.
Our governors can be contacted via our schools.
Our Governing Body was constituted on 16 April 2018.
Current downloads relating to governance
Details of governors' terms of office and register of interests
Details of governors' meeting attendance (Sept 2023-date)
Annual Governance Statement 2024
Details from previous academic years
Details of governors' meeting attendance (Sept 2022-July 2023)
Annual Governance Statement 2018
Annual Governance Statement 2019
Annual Governance Statement 2020